Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Content Creation Process 2018 is on its way!

European Testing Conference 2018 takes place in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on February 19-20th 2018. Check also our web pages

European Testing Conference does its content creation a bit differently. While other conferences call for proposals, we call for collaboration. We want to meet the people delivering the talk, have a conversation on what the talk is about. After all, the talk isn't the writing, but it's what you say on stage. 

We seek a balance of testing and quality topics as testers and developers know it, with a practical emphasis. 

Call for collaboration - what is it?

When you submit for European Testing Conference, it is just an opening connection for us to have an online face-to-face discussion with you. For the 2018 edition, the organizers pair more heavily than before, meaning you get to have a friendly chat with two of us.

We know we have limited space, and a vision of how we would most likely want to fill that space. We learn as we work with people, and our vision adapts. We seek the best content for our participants. But not only that.

When we collaborate, we might learn ways for us to help you forward with other conferences you might not have known of. We might give you hints on how to improve your submission. And at minimum, we get a chance of forming a connection between you and us, and we appreciate your time. 

Have you submitted already? Let us get to know you. Deadline is August 20th. 

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Call for Collaboration 2018

ETC 2018 Call for Collaboration

Other conferences call for papers or proposals. We call for collaboration.

TL;DR: Propose an idea or outline for a session. We are selecting based on discussions via Skype/Hangouts.
Event: ETC 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands 19.-20.2.2018.
Compensation: Speaker travel expenses guaranteed by the conference.
Deadline: Submit by August 20th.


Our conference

European Testing Conference 2017 takes place in Amsterdam, Netherlands February 19.-20.2.2018. The conference travels annually to different locations in Europe.

We are setting up the best practical testing conference that represents testing as different people know it: testers, developers, business analysts and managers. We recognize that testing is continuous, and we want to learn to do its different flavors better through sharing ideas and experiences in spirit of dialog. We seek to understand.

Looking for sessions

To find the right people to share in this conference, we want to collaborate with the existing and emerging speaker communities. We find our professional home communities to be those of agile and context-driven testing, and software craftsmanship, but actively seek to break the walls between them.

We want a good balance of European and non-European speakers and a good balance of craftsmanship and (exploratory) testing backgrounds.

We ask you to collaborate on three types of sessions:

  1. Talks of ideas with practical applicability (30 minutes)
  2. Demos of ideas in use – show and tell (40 minutes)
  3. Workshops of hands-on experiences for participants (90 minutes)

We ask you to collaborate, because we believe the best results come out of working together. We want you to share your topic and excitement, and collaborate before you invest heavily in making the session final as a proposal.

We acknowledge we can’t fit all the great sessions there are. So we want to make it mutually efficient while enabling great content we as organizers would be unaware of. We believe there’s more value out of the collaboration than just our conference talk selection through getting to know one another.

When you respond to the call and we’re considering you, we’ll have a 15-minute Skype/Hangouts session with you to talk about your idea. If you get cut from consideration just for not having space in our talk budget for your type of idea, we’ll let you know by email. We expect the finalized abstract from those who we choose, not as criteria of entry. Timeframe for the discussions is August and September, and this call closes on August 20th.

What we have to offer:
  • entry to participate and present at a great conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands 19.-20.2.2017
  • travel expenses and hotel 3 nights reimbursed
  • Profit sharing – we share ½ of the profits with the speakers. You get part of the honorarium pot that translates to money, based on the conference’s financial success and the length of your session

What we expect:
  • Speakers who can stay and participate for the duration of the conference. This is very important to having a great learning environment.

Come. Learn. Do. Teach. Test.

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